Jacques le Moyne de Sainte-Hélène

Jacques Le Moyne de Sainte-Hélène was a Canadian soldier who was born on April 16, 1659 in Montréal. He was the son of Charles Le Moyne and Catherine Thierry. He died in Quebec City in 1690.


In 1686, Jacques Le Moyne, with his brothers, Pierre Le Moyne d'Iberville and Paul Le Moyne de Maricourt[1], and the Chevalier de Troyes set out for the Hudson Bay to drive out the English and give back the territory to France. The trip took 85 days up the Ottawa River, Lake Timiskaming, and Abitibi River. They and fourteen other men attacked a series of forts in that area and winning back the territory.

In 1687, he headed 300 Indians against the Senecas. The Governor of New France, the Marquis de Denonville made him lieutenant. In 1689 the Compagnie du Nord asked Jacques Le Moyne to try out a new route to Hudson Bay. He left with 38 men and British ships seized in Hudson Bay and made the trip in 28 days.

In 1690, Governor Louis de Buade de Frontenac conterattacked the English colonies with the raids make by the Iroquois encited by the English. Of the three expeditionary corps he raised, the Montreal detachment was led by Jacques Le Moyne and Nicolas d’Ailleboust de Manthet. The detachment was composed of 96 Canadians and 114 Frenchmen. In October of that same year, Le Moyne was posted as for the attack by William Phips. With accurate firing, two of Phips's ship reatreated and tried to take refuge. The flagship was struck and leaking with many of it's crew dead or wounded. Major Jown Walley was prevented from taking Québec City by gunners and by a detachment of men led by Jacques Le Moyne. However, Le Moyne was wounded in the leg, and the wound became worst after a few days. Sainte-Hélène was taken to the Hôtel-Dieu de Québec hospital where he died at the beginning of December 1690.

Jacques Le Moyne de Sainte-Hélène had married Jeanne Dufresnoy Carion in Montreal. They had three children, one of whom, Jacques, made a career in Louisiana.


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